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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas pictures and a Little Looker review

I would be lying if I told you that I didn't want our Christmas pictures to be taken by a professional. You know...the big expensive lens, the "tilt your head a little to the right", the perfect lighting, etc... Well, I just wasn't about the ask Ben to take Christmas pictures with a professional, I mean we still have Berk's 1st year pictures to hang up (uh hum Ben). So just like our fall pictures I decided to take matters into my own hands. We had the camera, just needed to work on the outfits & photographer. We decided to go with a red theme. I searched Pinterest for days looking for ideas! Here are some of our favorites that we did not use on our Christmas cards because we do want our family & friends to be surprised when they get their cards.

This is a behind the scene look at how Berk moved our decor! I couldn't stop laughing!

Kali over at Little Looker Shop sent over a gorgeous pair of metallic gold leather moccasins! We absolutely adore them and can't say enough about them! Berk might be surprised with the silver in her stocking as a stuffer! As we all know Berk is a shoe lover! White shoes, brown shoes, pink shoes, any kind of shoes! I thought of Pete the Cat while typing that, and if something doesn't feel right she is sure to let you know!  A perfect fit, super comfortable and they are made for wear outside as well (we all know Berk likes walking up and down the dirt road). With all of the dirt road walking, her moccasins are clean with just a wipe! Wouldn't a mommy & mini pair look great? Maybe an idea Kali!!!

 Thank you so much Kali for allowing us to work with you


I haven't forgotten my blog. I've been focusing more on family time over here especially during the holiday season! We've been spending hours upon  hours learning and exploring over here so during nap time I've been cleaning like a mad woman instead of blogging!  During this season I am thankful for my faith, my family, my health & my friends!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Our weekend

Oh the wonders of what a lazy weekend will do for you. I always start Mondays with a little more energy! 

We have finally reached the ponytail stage (yippee)! This is by far the cutest thing ever. Ponytail & sleepy baby...this mama almost had a tear fall.

 My Amazon subscription came in on Friday & I think Berk was more excited than I was. Seriously mamas, if you haven't checked out Amazon Mom & Amazon Prime...do yourself a favor! Our subscriptions change each month. This month we got Mum Mums, paper towels, B-12 vitamins, diapers & wipes. 5 total items and it's an additional 20% off!


My friend and I try to have weekly play dates with our girls. This week we wanted to do Thanksgiving craft. We  She is a teacher and we both LOVE crafts with our little ladies. The girls are so used to getting their tootsies painted that they can't wait to hop into our laps for the painting! It's so much fun!


I couldn't help but burst out laughing while taking this picture....she is truly a clown!

And a little Sunday afternoon stroll down the dirt road before Bible drill. 

We hope you had a fabulous weekend too!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Friendsgiving Recipe

Today I tried a trial run of sausage and cheese phyllo cups. My cousin has made them every year for Christmas and I normally eat my wait in them!  

Let's just say that I am disappointed that I will not need to make these again because they were fantastic. Here's the recipe

Preheat oven to 350

1 pack of ground sausage
16 oz cream cheese 
Parmesan cheese
diced jalapeno 
mini phyllo cups

1.  Brown sausage and jalapenos 
2.  Add cream cheese, stir until incorporated
3. sprinkle is desired amount of parm. I would say I used 1/2 cup
4. Scoop mixture into cups
5. Bake for 3-4 minutes

As you can see I am not much of a recipe or correct measurements kind of cooker....use your best judgement. This recipe will also be for kids so I didn't add much jalapeno to it, just enough to give it some flavor. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

I run for...FOOD

A couple weekends ago a few friends from church ran in the Bull City Race Fest 5 miler. This was the first  co-ed race that we've done and it was so nice to have the husbands along! We started our group back in April and we are still going strong! This was after a very hilly & cold 5 miles.

Ben & I don't get the chance very often to run/workout together so it was such a treat to run with him. We are each other's biggest fans!