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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fix'in my closet with Stitch Fix

It’s a Stitch Fix Day!  

Today I received my 6th Stitch Fix box! From the moment I heard "clothing to your door" I was sold! So many reasons as to why I chose to try Stitch Fix... I don't shop often, I don't have much time to shop, I always end of shopping for my kids, nothing fits or fits weird, styles are changing so frequently I can't keep up, etc... If you have ANY thoughts on trying Stitch Fix, do yourself a favor and DO IT NOW! You won't regret it!
Today I am showing you my latest Stitch Fix box.  I usually only receive one once a month, but the beauty of Stitch Fix is you can move your date around to receive a box whenever you would like.  
Before we begin, here’s a quick run down of how the service works directly from their website
1. Fill out your Style Profile
Begin by filling out the Style Profile. This helps us understand your size, style, shape, budget and lifestyle. Completing your profile should only take about 10 minutes.
2. Pick the date you’d like to receive your shipment
We’ll send you a selection of five clothing items and accessories handpicked by personal stylists on the date you choose. At the time your stylist selects your items, you will be charged a $20 styling fee. That $20 will be applied as a credit toward anything you keep from your shipment.
3. Try everything on in the comfort of your home
We encourage you to try on everything our personal stylists have picked for you because you just never know what will look great on! Create new outfits by pairing what’s in your shipment with the items that are already in your closet.
4. Buy what you like and return the rest
  • Take three days to decide what you’ll purchase and what you’d like to send back. You’re only charged for these items when you tell us what you’re keeping and returning.
  • Check out by logging in to your account to pay for those items you want to keep. The $20 styling fee will be applied as credit towards any items you purchase. If you buy all five items, we’ll give you 25% off the entire purchase!
  • Simply return the items you don’t want in our pre-paid mailing bag and drop it at any USPS mailbox. Stitch Fix clients enjoy free shipping both ways as a benefit of using our service!
5. Tell us what you think!
Don’t forget to give us specific feedback on each of the items you receive. Our personal stylists are able to send you better selections when we know what did and didn’t work for you, and why.
And a new service of Stitch Fix is their maternity clothing and petites!
Here are the details of this latest box!

 THML Brandi Embroidered Skirt
I loved the skirt as soon as I saw it! It is the perfect length of right above the knee, the embroidery is well stitched and the material is SUPER soft! I love that this skirt can be dressed up for church or casual for a nice dinner. VERDICT: KEPT

 Sam Hi-Lo Short Sleeve Tee
This tee ranks "best tee ever"! The material is soft and breathable and the length is fun! I asked for some versatile & machine washable pieces in my box and my stylist scored an A for this box! I paired this tee with jeans and tennis shoes for a day time/running errands look and then with black leggings and high boots for a casual date night look. VERDICT:KEPT 

Becka Dress
I am a dress LOVER. I love that there are no thoughts on matching a top with a bottom and I love how comfortable they can be. I asked my stylist for some date night dresses in this month's box and again, it's a winner. I was skeptical about the dress before trying in on. I am not a huge lace fan and it seemed a little "too old" for me. This is when the "try everything on in the box" comes into play. Many times this has happened in my previous boxes and I always ended up liking what I thought I wouldn't. This dress is so pretty & sophisticated. The lace details around the neck sold me! VERDICT:KEPT


Havana Dress
This dress is so pretty. I knew I'd like it before I put it on. Here again I asked for a weather versatile date night dress. In the pictures above, I paired it with sandals for the warmer months and boots for the colder months. I don't have a jean jacket, which I plan on asking for in my next box, but I feel like it would have looked great with the boots for a Fall night. The detailing of the dress around the neck and bottom of the dress are amazing. VERDICT:KEPT 


The paper to the left comes in every box. It lists the name and brand of the pieced chosen for your box and 2 ways to style it! Each box comes with a prepaid return bag. Once you have chosen your items, simply place the items you don't want back in the bag & send it back. SUPER EASY!

I hope this has helped all of you interested in the Stitch fix box! Let me know if you have any questions! If you are interested in setting up your profile click here


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Veggie Muffins

I posted a picture today on IG (whitney_collins1) of my new attempt to get Berkley to eat more veggies. 

Veggie Bites
  • 1 bag frozen broccoli & cauliflower, steamed & chopped
  • 1/3 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
  • 2/3 cup shredded cheddar
  • 2 eggs
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix chopped veggies, bread crumbs, cheese & eggs together until moist and able to form.
Using either a small cookie scoop and place mixture into a mini muffin pan. Cook for approx 10-15min.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

What we've been up to lately

We've been super busy the past couple of weeks. Days upon days of crafts, playing & baking! 

I have tried mixing up our crafting sessions...independent painting normally happens only in the bathroom, but I decided to see how well she would do on the kitchen floor. It was quite surprising to see her paint so quietly and so focused.  

Ahhh the joys of baking.I LOVE baking for others & LOVE that Berk can now join me! When things get complicated I simply give her a bowl of water, a whisk and she's quiet for the next two minutes. She then spills the water on purpose and continues to hit her water puddle....kitchen water table...she's so smart!

Let's not forget the most important part of the day..playtime. Ya'll Ben has caved and I will be getting the one thing on my wishlist...a playroom! I am beyond thrilled to have a place just for Berk's toys & a clutter free living space!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Christmas pictures and a Little Looker review

I would be lying if I told you that I didn't want our Christmas pictures to be taken by a professional. You know...the big expensive lens, the "tilt your head a little to the right", the perfect lighting, etc... Well, I just wasn't about the ask Ben to take Christmas pictures with a professional, I mean we still have Berk's 1st year pictures to hang up (uh hum Ben). So just like our fall pictures I decided to take matters into my own hands. We had the camera, just needed to work on the outfits & photographer. We decided to go with a red theme. I searched Pinterest for days looking for ideas! Here are some of our favorites that we did not use on our Christmas cards because we do want our family & friends to be surprised when they get their cards.

This is a behind the scene look at how Berk moved our decor! I couldn't stop laughing!

Kali over at Little Looker Shop sent over a gorgeous pair of metallic gold leather moccasins! We absolutely adore them and can't say enough about them! Berk might be surprised with the silver in her stocking as a stuffer! As we all know Berk is a shoe lover! White shoes, brown shoes, pink shoes, any kind of shoes! I thought of Pete the Cat while typing that, and if something doesn't feel right she is sure to let you know!  A perfect fit, super comfortable and they are made for wear outside as well (we all know Berk likes walking up and down the dirt road). With all of the dirt road walking, her moccasins are clean with just a wipe! Wouldn't a mommy & mini pair look great? Maybe an idea Kali!!!

 Thank you so much Kali for allowing us to work with you


I haven't forgotten my blog. I've been focusing more on family time over here especially during the holiday season! We've been spending hours upon  hours learning and exploring over here so during nap time I've been cleaning like a mad woman instead of blogging!  During this season I am thankful for my faith, my family, my health & my friends!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Our weekend

Oh the wonders of what a lazy weekend will do for you. I always start Mondays with a little more energy! 

We have finally reached the ponytail stage (yippee)! This is by far the cutest thing ever. Ponytail & sleepy baby...this mama almost had a tear fall.

 My Amazon subscription came in on Friday & I think Berk was more excited than I was. Seriously mamas, if you haven't checked out Amazon Mom & Amazon Prime...do yourself a favor! Our subscriptions change each month. This month we got Mum Mums, paper towels, B-12 vitamins, diapers & wipes. 5 total items and it's an additional 20% off!


My friend and I try to have weekly play dates with our girls. This week we wanted to do Thanksgiving craft. We  She is a teacher and we both LOVE crafts with our little ladies. The girls are so used to getting their tootsies painted that they can't wait to hop into our laps for the painting! It's so much fun!


I couldn't help but burst out laughing while taking this picture....she is truly a clown!

And a little Sunday afternoon stroll down the dirt road before Bible drill. 

We hope you had a fabulous weekend too!