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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Healthy Pizza

My best friend came over one day right after Berkley was born and made pizza for us..how sweet is she?!?! She knew my love for all things healthy so she made this amazing Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Chicken pizza (such a long name)!

Ben and I fell in love and I've been making it since. The good thing about this recipe is the ingredients are simple yet this pizza is mouthwatering. We had a ton of left over ingredients so I always make two. Save them for leftovers, freeze it or be sweet and share with your family. See recipe below. I really eye ball everything so use a little more or less, however you're feeling...let's hope you add more spinach ;)

Layer pesto and spinach, I always like to add a little extra spinach (sneaking in greens for the husband is my "forte")

Add cooked chicken & sun dried tomatoes. I ALWAYS dab the excess oil off. Extra oil =extra calories

Lastly, layer your cheese. I used reduced feta & skim mozzarella.

Bake on 425 for 10 minutes or until bubbly & brown

Berkley loves looking in the oven to see what "mama's a cookin". Love her to pieces!

BOOM! Dinner or lunch if you are lucky is served.

1 store bought wheat pizza crust (don't judge...when I do make my own dough here is the recipe I use)
1 jar of pesto
1 jar of sun dried tomatoes
10 oz of chicken ( you can even use the can chicken, make sure it DOESN"T have rib meat)
2 handfuls of spinach
Feta cheese
Mozzarella Cheese

Monday, May 20, 2013

Healthy Baked Chicken Egg Roll Recipe

It's not easy being a health nut and living with my husband whom is part-healthy.  He understands and wants to be healthy, but really he is a MANLY MAN! So I've tried to incorporate some healthy recipes into dinner. I tried this egg roll recipe and he LOVED it!

12 oz (or 1 1/2 cup)Chicken breasts, cooked & shredded or finely diced
1 (16 oz) bagColeslaw mix
1 mediumRed bell pepper, finely chopped
2Green onions, thinly sliced
1 cupCarrots, shredded
2 cupsBean sprouts
1/4 cupLow sodium soy sauce
2 tbsRice vinegar
1 tspGarlic, minced or 1/2 tsp garlic powder
12Egg roll wrappers (may need more if using extra veggie option)
1Egg white, beaten
Optional:1-2 Stevia (or 1 tsp sweetner of choice)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Line a baking pan with a wire rack, and spray with non-stick cooking spray
1.  Heat a large skillet & spray with cooking spray. Add all the vegetables and 1 cup water to the skillet, stirring constantly. 
2.  Add the soy sauce, rice vinegar, and seasoning just as the cabbage starts to wilt. Cook veggies until just cooked, and liquid in the pan is evaporated. 
3. Place cooked veggies in large bowl and mix in chicken. Let mixture cool slightly before rolling. 
4. Lay out a wrapper, brush egg mixture on two adjacent edges, spoon about 1/3-1/2 cup of the mixture onto the center of a wrapper
5. Fold ends of egg roll wrappers in.
6. Tuck and roll egg roll wrappers over the filling. Continue to roll until almost to the corner edge.
7.To seal them shut, place your finger in the egg white, (water also works), and trace two of the corners with the egg white (or water).
8. Place egg rolls on prepared baking rack.
9. Spray each egg roll with non-stick cooking spray. Place egg rolls on baking pan, bake 15-20 minutes. (If not using cooling rack, turn egg rolls half way through baking. This ensures that both sides a golden brown color.) Remove from oven, and cool. Enjoy with soy or teriyaki sauce for dipping if desired!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weekend Recap & My First Mother's Day

Our weekend over here was spent enjoying some warm weather and sunshine!  We live in a small rural area and we try to get out and make it over to the big cities as often as possible, but there was something so special about hanging out around the house just the three of us.  We enjoyed breakfast together, a nice walk, a few soccer games, a yard sale and some Mother's Day crafts!


Berkley absolutely LOVES going outside! It's so fun to put her in this little car!  She also enjoys climbing the stairs. We actually spend quite sometime in the mornings having some climbing adventures!

Celebrating my first Mother's Day!!!

                                                                   My dad, mom, Berkley & I

Just the girls! Berk is in awe of her sweet G! My mom has truly been the best example of what a mom should be. I pray that I be the example to my children as she was to me!

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fitness Is My Witness

Ha! Love that title don't you?!?! Now I'm typing away thinking of Fergie's gorgeous legs and finishing the lyrics... thank goodness Berk is napping! If you follow me on Instagram then you already know my love for fitness & nutrition! It is so addicting...the progress that I see, I'm a happier wife and mom, and the inspiration & motivation that I receive from others and that I try to pass off as well. But, the most important part is a healthier me.  Many, many times I have said to Ben "I'm doing this for you and Berk." I do workout and eat healthy for them, but I also do it for me. So that I can live a healthier life for them and with them.  Before becoming a wife & mother I always thought about being healthy but never put my foot forward to start.  Once I became a wife I started working out and eating healthy so that I would feel and look attractive. After Berk was born I worked even harder not only to look good, but to feel good and to live longer & healthier...my how things change when that precious bundle of joy comes into our lives!

*I want to run after her on the playground with stopping
*I want to be able to practice her favorite sport when she grows up
*I want to be able to "plop" on the ground and crawl looking for ladybugs and then hop up and run when we see a grasshopper!!
*I want to instill in her the importance of healthy eating and a balanced meal (it's not a diet people)!

Now onto real life....everyday day life! I have my share of unhealthy foods. It's what I've had my whole life and thank goodness I've trained my body to not need it but you sometimes want it! I want to be a fit mom and there is nothing wrong with that....its not bragging, its not about thinking you're better than someone else. It's about being a better you!  Actually this sums it up quite nicely!

With this being said I am now a Beach Body coach! Stay tuned for more information about the program & shakeology! If you are interested in purchasing a program/Shakeology you can visit my website here Or shoot me an email whit0837@gmail.com